LDAP server set-up

I'd like to set up LDAP to act as central authentication of 2 web applications running on the same server.

Whats the simplest step-by-step way to go about this from scratch?

In the long run I'd also like to be able to administer the users on the system as simply as possible (think end users, not devs!)

Solution 1:

because ldap is VERY hard to setup for beginners i would recommend an server configuration tool. (trust me i have spent nights to fight against openldap) you can checkout ebox (its a server managment gui) and it configure openldap-server + samba ( windows domain logons)

Doku: http://doc.zentyal.org/en/directory.html

Solution 2:

Maybe this tutorial answers your question.

Solution 3:

Try to follow the chapter on installing and configuring an OpenLDAP server in the Ubuntu Server Guide.