How do I disable a feature in specflow (Gherkin) without deleting the feature?

I have some SpecFlow features (using the Gherkin syntax) and I would like to temporarily disable the feature to prevent its tests from running?

Is there an attribute I can mark the feature with to do this? I'm guessing that something that works with Cucumber might also work with SpecFlow.

You can mark the feature with the tag @ignore:

@ignore @web
Scenario: Title should be matched
When I perform a simple search on 'Domain'
Then the book list should exactly contain book 'Domain Driven Design'

In the recent version of Specflow, you now also have to provide a reason with the tag, like so:

@ignore("reason for ignoring")

EDIT: For some reason it break with spaces but this works:


As jbandi suggests you can use the @ignore tag.

Tag can be applied to:

  • a single Scenario
  • a full Feature

Given NUnit as the test provider, the result in generated code is the insertion of the


to the method or the class.