Is it possible to see only the pictures I've taken on my iPhone?

Solution 1:

I made a workflow that filters all your photos from your camera roll. It gets all your photos, excluding an album(select album your chat photos are stored) and also screenshots(you can disable it if you want).

The workflow will ask you if you want to save it all in a new album or in an existing one. You will need to run it each time to update the album.

You will need the Workflow app to run this.

Solution 2:

So, it definitely depends on the app you are using. However, embedded geolocation metadata isn't typically kept when exporting or importing shared shared photos (for privacy). So, if you do a search with a broad location as the term — say, "United States" — this will only select images that have this metadata, which typically will be the only photos taken on your phone (though it will also include those synced with iCloud from another phone, screen grabs, etc.). See if that gets you what you want?