Passing data between activities in Android

in your current activity, create an intent

Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), ActivityB.class);
i.putExtra(key, value);

then in the other activity, retrieve those values.

Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); 
if(extras !=null) {
    String value = extras.getString(key);

Use a global class:

public class GlobalClass extends Application
    private float vitamin_a;

    public float getVitaminA() {
        return vitamin_a;

    public void setVitaminA(float vitamin_a) {
        this.vitamin_a = vitamin_a;

You can call the setters and the getters of this class from all other classes. Do do that, you need to make a GlobalClass-Object in every Actitity:

GlobalClass gc = (GlobalClass) getApplication();

Then you can call for example:
