Word for "punishing group because of actions of a few." [closed]

Everybody deals with this phenomenon daily but I had my curiousity piqued when someone claimed that punishing the many for the actions of the few was just called "group punishment." Group Punishment is simply punishing a large group of people.

Is there a specific word for when a large group is punished because of the actions of the few? Such as in the following:

Little Jimmy wasn't happy when the entire class was forced to work through recess because of 3 kids getting into a fight yesterday.

Solution 1:

Collective punishment is the formal expression:

  • Penalty imposed on every member of a group without regard to his or her involvement in the group's actions and conduct. Related: collective responsibility.


Is collective punishment fair in the classroom?:

  • Under the 1949 Geneva Conventions collective punishment is considered a war crime. "No general penalty, pecuniary or otherwise, shall be inflicted upon the population on account of the acts of individuals for which they cannot be regarded as jointly and severally responsible."

  • Unfortunately for our students they do not have rights as general citizens or even our war enemies and common criminals in society. They shed their rights as they enter the double doors of the school and us parents shed our ability to ask for fair treatment of our children.