How to mount a .bin image file in linux

I used the AWS import service to import a large (2TB) drive, and they dropped two .bin files in my S3 account. Their instructions say to stripe together to EBS volumes to make a drive large enough to hold the image and then to just use that.

Well I've got everything striped and whatnot, but I don't know what to do with this .bin image. Doesn't seem to work with mount, or at least, not without any options, and I don't know what options to put.

>file -k image-NPX7P-0000.bin
image-NPX7P-0000.bin: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0xb, starthead 1, startsector 63, 3907024821 sectors, extended partition table (last)\011, code offset 0x0

>file -k image-NPX7P-0001.bin
image-NPX7P-0001.bin: data

EDIT: I appended the file info, and from the looks of it, I'd assume the reason I can't mount just 0000 is because 0001 is an extension of it (which tracks with how I assume they did this). But how would I merge the two and mount that?

EDIT2: Using osgx's answer, I was able to get the two bin files catted together, and used kpartx to read the partition table.

> file-sk: /dev/dm-2: x86 boot sector, code offset 0x58, OEM-ID "BSD 4.4", sectors/cluster 64, heads 255, sectors 3907024821 (volumes > 32 MB) , FAT (32 bit), sectors/FAT 476816, reserved3 0x1000000, reserved 0x1, serial number 0x5cb415f7, label: "SOURCE-PSE " DOS executable (COM), boot code –

This still will not mount however. It says it requires a filesystem type, and nothing I've used helps. Also posted to a pastebin because it's long is my kernal config of the relevant (maybe) values:

According to file -k, you have a disk image (may be it is splitted into two volumes); the disk image has partition table of one 2TB (39G sectors of 512 = 2TB) and of type FAT32 (0x0b).

Do a cat to concatenate both images into one

cat image*bin > image.iso

OR (carefull! this will modify first file)

cat image*0001* >> image*0000*

Run a kpartx to read partition table over image.iso via loop1 device (now you will need a root; replace image.iso with image*0000* if you did a second way of catting)

losetup /dev/loop1 image.iso; kpartx -av /dev/loop1;

Output will be like add map loop1p1 ...

Then find the loop1p1 in /dev/mapper

ls -l /dev/mapper
file -sk /dev/mapper/*   # finally check that it is a FAT32

And mount it:

mount -o ro -t auto /dev/mapper/loop1p1 /where/to/mount

Work with fs; umount it; run a kpartx -d -v /dev/loop1; ; unmap loop1 with losetup

(manual used )

Try to mount it with the -o loop option.

use bchunk and convert into iso then you can easily mount

Convert the file to an ISO and work with it from there. I've used iat (Iso9660 Analyzer Tool) with success.

Install it (under Ubuntu where I live - YMMV):

sudo apt-get install iat

Use it:

iat inputFile.bin > newShiny.iso