Is it safe to quit kernel_task?

I recently quit kernel_task because it was taking a lot of cpu time, when I was about to force quit it it says you will be logged out but I did not care but then after I force quit it I thought does it disrupt the system?

PS. Is quitting the kernel_task same as logging out?

Solution 1:

Killing kernel_task is "killing" your entire system.

It's not the same as logging out; it's asking you to log out because everything will be going down.

From What Is kernel_task, and Why Is It Running on My Mac?

A “kernel,” if you didn’t know, is at the core of any operating system, sitting between your CPU, memory, and other hardware and the software that you run. When your turn on your Mac, the kernel is the first thing that starts, and basically everything you do on your computer flows through the kernel at some point. Activity Monitor puts all of this varied activity under one banner: kernel_task.