How can I control Pandora via my Mac Keyboard?

How can I use the Play / Pause, and Skip Buttons on my MacBook Pro to control Pandora? I've just got Pandora set up as a dashboard web clip and also have the Pandora Adobe AIR desktop app. I have Pandora One.

Can I do this perhaps via a third party app?


Just for the record I'm very happy with the functionality mentioned in the answer below, and it works seamlessly enough for me.

Solution 1:

I found an app called Hermes which plays Pandora on Mac OS X and has support for using the music controls and notifications on song changes. I think the sound quality might be slightly lower than in Chrome - might be an API limitation? But the features are great for free playback.

EDIT: You can change the quality in Preferences > Playback!

Solution 2:

I think I have found a solid solution: Control Pandora With The Keyboard on Your Mac.

enter image description here

Solution 3:

There is an app on the Mac App Store called Pause It. It allows you to play, pause, and skip pandora songs that are playing in Safari or Chrome. It also allows you to control the playback of videos on YouTube and songs on Grooveshark. I mostly use it with Pandora and it works great. It's $0.99 as of the writing of this post.

One thing to note is that it uses the function keys (F7 - F9) that share the same physical keys as the media keys on a Mac. However, function keys and media keys act separately. So for some Macs, you have to press the Fn key along with the desired media key to use the corresponding function key. However, you can change this setting in System Preferences if you go to System Preferences -> Keyboard and check "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys."