Title of a widow?

I have to book a flight for my grandma who was married and became a widow. She still has to get a new ID but I want to book the flight asap. How do I write her title? Miss, misses, or?

I think there are two questions here: what is the "proper" title for a widow, and will the airline care?

  1. For the first, I'd go with whatever is more comfortable for your grandma (I would guess Mrs. if she was happily married).

  2. For the second question, I think that either Miss or Mrs is perfectly acceptable to them. The title is more about how people should address her; unlike her name, it's not a "legal" descriptor.

Her title should be whatever she wants it to be -- Mrs, Ms, Miss, Mx, Mme, Mlle, Senora (sorry, not sure of the abbreviation), -- whatever she chooses..

To address propriety: There is absolutely no reason, or convention, for the title of a widow to change from whatever title she used pre-widowhood. And there never was. If she was Mrs before, she is Mrs now, unless she decide otherwise. Whatever it is, if it is her choice, it is OK.

Rathony is correct. The airport people don't care. Even if she chooses to call herself Lady, or Princess, they are not going to ask for a copy of Debrett's or the Alamanch de Gotha to verify that she is entitled (oops, pun).

As for the form of her name -- i.e., Mrs John Smith becomes Mrs Mary Smith because her husband died -- that used to be a social convention, but now no one worth knowing is going to raise an eyebrow one way or the other -- except the airport people if the name on her ticket does not match exactly the name on her ID.