How to disable pasting in a TextField in Swift?

I've got a TextField with a numberPad and the function runs only if it contains numbers.

The user will crash the app if they paste letters in the TextField and click OK.

How can I disable pasting in the TextField?

I agree with Leonardo Savio Dabus, if I were you I'd use string checking and just give out a warning, it makes things easier. BUT, if disabling paste option is a fancy feature you really want to put into your app, then you need to do more work. I'll provide the steps below.

Step 1: You need to create another class which extends the UITextField. In this example, I made my CustomUITextField.

import Foundation
import UIKit  //Don't forget this

class CustomUITextField: UITextField {
   override func canPerformAction(_ action: Selector, withSender sender: Any?) -> Bool {
        if action == #selector(UIResponderStandardEditActions.paste(_:)) {
            return false
        return super.canPerformAction(action, withSender: sender)

Step 2: Wire the storyboard with your ViewController. You need to declare an IBOutlet as in normal case:

@IBOutlet var textFieldA: CustomUITextField?

Wire the circle next to the @IBOutlet to the TextField in the storyboard. THEN, this is important and easy to be ignored:

  • Go to your storyboard
  • Click the target TextField
  • Select Identity Inspector (the 3rd one)
  • Change the class to CustomUITextField

Quick snapshot is provided below.

enter image description here

That's it, hope this works.


Main reference

If you want to know more about the behavior of canPerformAction method, though it's an Objective-C version, the concepts are shared here.

For Swift 3 it's changed to:

override public func canPerformAction(_ action: Selector, withSender sender: Any?) -> Bool {
    if action == #selector(copy(_:)) || action == #selector(paste(_:)) {
        return false

    return true