Spring Boot embedded HornetQ cluster not forwarding messages

Solution 1:


"HornetQ core is designed as a set of simple POJOs so if you have an application that requires messaging functionality internally but you don't want to expose that as a HornetQ server you can directly instantiate and embed HornetQ servers in your own application."

If you are embedding it, you aren't exposing it as a server. Each of your containers has a seperate instance. It is the equivalent of starting up 2 copies of hornet and giving them the same queue name. One writes to that queue on the first instance and the other listens to the queue on the second instance.

If you want to decouple your apps in this way, you need to have a single place that is acting as a server. Probably, you want to cluster. This isn't specific to Hornet, BTW. You'll find this pattern often.