Regular expression for a string containing one word but not another

I'm setting up some goals in Google Analytics and could use a little regex help.

Lets say I have 4 URLs

I want to create an expression that will identify any URL that contains the string selector=size but does NOT contain details.cfm

I know that to find a string that does NOT contain another string I can use this expression:


But, I'm not sure how to add in the selector=size portion.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

This should do it:


^.*selector=size.*$ should be clear enough. The first bit, (?!.*details.cfm) is a negative look-ahead: before matching the string it checks the string does not contain "details.cfm" (with any number of characters before it).


If your regex engine supported posessive quantifiers (though I suspect Google Analytics does not), then I guess this will perform better for large input sets:


regex could be (perl syntax):
