Openfire Installation Issue - Can't Login to admin panel

I had the same issue, little know and it seems undocumented bug. Try rebooting the server after the you do the install.

Worked for me.

I had to manually set the password, the setup page didn't save it. Restarting the server didn't help.

If you are using the embedded db on Windows, this will be in embedded-db/openfire.script:


Change the NULL to your password. Then restart your OpenFire server.

Openfire Admin Login How to change Openfire's admin login when using Windows Vista and an embedded database:

  1. Shut down Openfire
  2. As the Windows Administrator, Edit

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Openfire\embedded-db\openfire.script

  3. Change the line that looks something like this

    INSERT INTO OFUSER VALUES('admin',NULL,'', 'Administrator','admin','0','0')


    INSERT INTO OFUSER VALUES('admin','',NULL, 'Administrator','admin','0','0')

  4. Save the file, exit the editor

  5. Restart Openfire

however this is not programming related....