Simple program or script to check load time of web page [closed]

I'm looking for a simple program or script, you give it a URL and it does the following:

  • checks whether it can open a connection to that URL and reports how long the response time is
  • checks how long it takes to the load the page and reports this number

  • reports some error code or other number when a site is unresponsive

  • exits after it either: fails to connect, loads the page successfully, or after a predetermined number of seconds specified by the user

My purpose is to integrate this functionality as an external program to Zabbix. I did a google search but was unable to locate one.

You can do what you want with a combination of the time and wget commands - e.g.:
time wget -q

time will print the time (in seconds/fractions of a second) that it took to complete the wget command, and the return code of the whole mess will be whatever wget's return code would have been (0=success, non-zero indicating various failures).

This can be further wrapped in an appropriate script to determine if the page was successfully retrieved and produce output suitable for Zabbix to pick up and use.

I use the following script probably with basic ideas I'd borrowed from elsewhere. It uses curl statistics:

estadistica () {
    local site=$1
    echo $site
    echo ${site} | sed -n 's/./-/gp'
    curl -w '
    Lookup time:\t%{time_namelookup} s
    Connect time:\t%{time_connect} s
    Pretransfer time:\t%{time_pretransfer} s
    Starttransfer time:\t%{time_starttransfer} s
    Size download:\t%{size_download} bytes
    Speed download:\t%{speed_download} bytes/s

    Total time:\t%{time_total} s
    ' -o /dev/null -s $site

for i in ${@}; do
    estadistica $i

Lets say it's named webstats; this is how it works:

~/src$ bash webstats

    Lookup time:    0,009 s
    Connect time:   0,139 s
    Pretransfer time:   0,139 s
    Starttransfer time: 0,284 s
    Size download:  37298 bytes
    Speed download: 57153,000 bytes/s

    Total time: 0,653 s

    Lookup time:    0,084 s
    Connect time:   0,147 s
    Pretransfer time:   0,147 s
    Starttransfer time: 0,218 s
    Size download:  218 bytes
    Speed download: 1000,000 bytes/s

    Total time: 0,218 s

If something goes wrong you can know it (and hence tell zabbix) because the resulting data is not logical:

~/src$ bash webstats http://thisdoesntexist

    Lookup time:    0,000 s
    Connect time:   0,000 s
    Pretransfer time:   0,000 s
    Starttransfer time: 0,000 s
    Size download:  0 bytes
    Speed download: 0,000 bytes/s

    Total time: 0,000 s

EDITED: curl's timeout option:

Just to answer your comment, curl has a timeout option; from it's man page:

   --connect-timeout <seconds>
          Maximum time in seconds that you allow  the  connection  to  the
          server  to  take.   This  only limits the connection phase, once
          curl has connected this option is of no more use. See  also  the
          -m/--max-time option.