how to properly use $1 in an alias with two arguments
i have to compare a number of files and I don't want to change the command in two places all the time. so i want to create an alias in bash.
alias gd='gvimdiff $1 dir/$1'
so that i can get
gvimdiff res.tex dir/res.tex
just by typing
gd res.tex
Solution 1:
You cannot use aliases this way, however, you can define a function do to the same thing.
function gd() {
gvimdiff $1 dir/$1
Solution 2:
Aliases don't work that way. You should be able to use history substitution (e.g. (no, !!:1
doesn't allow that) or define a function instead.
Solution 3:
It is very simple tried it in kde neon, ubuntu, manjaro, arch all bash
alias gd="gvimdiff '$1' dir/'$1'"
just add the following commas it will work.