Git Push into Production (FTP)

I would like to know if there is an easy way to push a GIT repository into production (on a FTP server) ? Thanks

Solution 1:

Some tools recently added to the Git wiki:

git-ftp by René Moser is a simple shell script for doing FTP the Git way. Use to upload only the Git tracked files to a FTP server, which have changed since the last upload. This saves time and bandwith. Even if you play with different branches, knows which files are different. No ordinary FTP client can do that.

git-ftp by Edward Z. Yang is a simple script written in python for uploading files in a Git repository via FTP, only transferring new files and removing old files.

Solution 2:

If you prefer GUI, use SourceTree, you can easily setup a Custom Action that uses git-ftp mentioned above. A brief description on setup (for Mac) at Push a Git repository to an FTP

enter image description here

Solution 3:

I've found PHPloy a great tool for sending your Git commits to remote servers over FTP. It works from the command-line and is written in PHP (and even detects changes in submodules).‎

git commit ...
phploy -s staging
phploy -s production


(Disclaimer: after using it for a while I've now contributed some code patches and improvements, making it Windows-compatible.)