Getting error "No such module" using Xcode, but the framework is there

I'm currently coding in Swift, and I've got an error:

No such module Social

But I don't understand, because the module is in my project, declared in "Linked frameworks and Libraries" and in "Embedded Binaries".

The frameworks is in Objective-C, so I wrote a Bridge Header for it.

Please, how can I make Xcode recognize the framework?

Error module


Linkes Frameworks, Libraries

Header bridge

Solution 1:

In case it's Friday afternoon or anytime after 1am:

Opening xcodeproj instead of xcworkspace will cause an error like this...

Solution 2:

I'm not sure why this happens, but one way to solve your issue is to go into your build settings and defining the Framework Search Paths to a folder which contains the frameworks in question. If the frameworks are placed in your project directory, simply set the framework search path to $(SRCROOT) and set it to recursive.

Solution 3:

Make sure that the naming of you configurations in the sub projects matches that of the "parent" project. If the configuration naming don't match exactly (case-sensitive), Xcode will abort the archive process and show the error "No such module ..."

That is, if you have a "parent" project with a configuration named "AppStore" you must make sure that all subprojects also have this configuration name.

See my attached screenshots.

Configuration setup in "parent" project

Configuration setup in 1st sub project

Configuration setup in 2nd sub project

Solution 4:

I am not quite sure why Martin R's answer in the comments for the question is so disregarded:

Make sure that you tried simply skipping import of the framework as it is already added with the bridging header.

Hope this helps

Solution 5:

I had the same issue using Cocoapods and Swift. I didn't notice the following lines in the Podfile:

# Uncomment this line if you're using Swift
# use_frameworks!

So, all I had to do was change it to:

# Uncomment this line if you're using Swift

...aaand it worked :)