Vim-Adventures in level 7

In Vim-Adventures, I'm trying to delete several lines in the same time, but I don't even know how to to that.

enter image description here

In the following video, they use d% to remove this line, but it doesn't work for me.

Thanks in advance!

Solution 1:

I love this game! Thanks for an excuse to play it again.

To remove the 3 lines within the 5 keystroke limit, you need either the % key or the G key.

Go back near start for G key. Percent key.

  1. Enter the puzzle on the i in if.
  2. Use $ to get to the end of the line.
  3. Use % to move to the matching } tile, which is down two lines.
  4. Use j to move down into the else { line.
  5. Use d% or dG to delete the 3 red lines.


  1. Enter on the i in if.
  2. Use G to move to the last line.
  3. Use kk to move up two lines.
  4. Use dG or d% to delete the specified text.

Red text deleted, releasing a key and a NPC.

Happy Vimming!