How to get an application to run every 30 minutes?

Solution 1:

Use your crontab:

crontab -e

Then enter a line like the following

*/30 * * * * /path/to/your/command

Save it and it should run every 30 minutes of every hour, every day.

Updated the 30 minutes part, was being too quick. Thanks @nicolas, you got a +1.

Solution 2:

Cron sounds like what you're looking for.

Log in as the user you want the task to be ran by, then type "crontab -e"

Your favorite editor will open, and you will get a file with this format :

    # m h  dom mon dow   command

So to run '/home/foo/my_program' every 30min, you would add this line

    */30  *  * * * /home/foo/my_program > /dev/null

/dev/null is there so you do not get the output sent by mail if your program writes something to stdout.

Solution 3:

This sounds exactly like a job for cron. This is a good howto use it, yes it's for ubuntu and you're using fedora, but as far as I'm aware there are no differences between the two regarding cron.

Solution 4:

Use cron to run it periodically.

From the account of the user you wish to run the script:

crontab -e

Then add a new line as follows:

*/30 * * * *  <path/to/script>

Then save the crontab, which will automatically install it. The job will then run every 30 minutes and email you any output.