Table storage engine for <TABLE> doesn't have this option on order by query (ERROR 1031)

Table storage engine for <TABLE> doesn't have this option.

This is the error returned by MySQL on an order by query. The column type is varchar(2000).


select * from `dbo.table_1` order by textT;

Error returned:

ERROR 1031 (HY000): Table storage engine for 'dbo.table_1' doesn't have this option.

Why does this happen? And how can I fix it?

Solution 1:

This problem appears to occur when you're importing a table definition that had been created with MyISAM but later was switched to InnoDB; the resulting ROW_FORMAT options appear to be invalid.

If you're trying to import an exported database and encounter this problem, you can simply search and replace ROW_FORMAT=FIXED with nothing.

I used the following to do so really quickly:

sed -ie 's/ROW_FORMAT=FIXED//g' backup.sql

Problem solved! Thanks to jbrahy for pointing out that it was the ROW_FORMAT that was the problem.

EDIT: Updated to work for more platforms as per @seven's suggestion

EDIT2: Also note, as per @Steen-Schütt, this may be a safer fix

sed -ie 's/ROW_FORMAT=FIXED/ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT/g' backup.sql

Solution 2:

I get the same error when I import a table definition that's InnoDB with ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC in it. The table was created with a MyISAM engine but I later switched it to InnoDB. When I removed the ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC from the create table statement and recreated the table it worked fine. My solution to your problem would be this.

show create table `dbo.table_1`;

then take the output from that command and remove the ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC then rename the table to dbo.table_1_old

rename table `dbo.table_1` to `dbo.table_1_old`;

Then execute the create table statement from the first step i.e.

-- don't use this create as there are missing columns use yours
create table `dbo.table_1` (textT VARCHAR(255)); 

Then repopulate your table with the old data.

insert into `dbo.table_1` select * from `dbo.table_1_old`;

Then you should be able to execute your original SQL

select * from `dbo.table_1` order by textT;