How to place a shape on top of another shape in Visio 2010?

Okay this is driving me nuts. I'm using Visio 2010 in a completely blank template. Here is what I'm doing:

  1. I'm drawing a simple rectangle
  2. I draw a second simple rectangle
  3. I'm trying to drag rectangle 1 over rectangle 2.

Every time I try to drag rectangle 1 over rectangle 2, the 1st rectangle snaps to some spot an inch or so away from the second rectangle. Basically, I can't place rectangle 1 over rectangle 2 at all, meaning I can't layer shapes at all.

What the heck is causing this idiotic behavior and how can I disable it?

Solution 1:

What you want is Layout and Routing.

On the Design tab there is a section labeled Layout on the right.

In the bottom right corner of that section is a small box with an arrow, if you click that you will get to Layout and Routing , and on the bottom, under Other, uncheck Move other shapes away on drop.

You may also need to uncheck Enable connector splitting which is on the same tab.

Solution 2:

The following works for Visio 2013 and I think 2010 works same way (but I don't have 2010 so can't be certain).

  1. Go to File-> Options-> Customize Ribbon and then enable/check the Developer tab.
  2. On Developer Menu, locate Behavior in the Shape Design group.
  3. From Behavior window, click Placement tab.
  4. From Placement tab, change Placement Behavior to "Do not lay out and route around.
  5. You may also need to set the dropdown "Move other shapes away on drop" to "Plow as page specifies". Review other checkboxes whether any apply to your objective.

Solution 3:

@shimpossible's solution did not work for me.

However, that particular property seems to be tied to the document.

I use Visio to overlay images and was having the same issue using 2013 from a much older version of Visio. Solution was just opened a new "blank" document and then had no problem overlaying images (in this case pictures) one on top of another, or drawing over them.

It looks like the "diagram" option may also work, but I have not tried. Apparently it defaults to flow chart settings if you just open it up and it will not let you keep one image/shape over another.