On the integral $\int_0^\pi\sin(x\sin(x\sin(x\cdots)))\,dx$

Solution 1:

Unlike in the case of iteration $t \mapsto \sin(x+t)$, $f_n(x)$ does not seem converge beyond a certain threshold of $x$. Indeed, plotting the graph of $f_n)$ on $[1,\pi]$ and $201 \leq n \leq 264$ gives

enter image description here

which clearly demonstrates the chaotic behavior as in the logistic map. This can also be glimpsed by the fact that the iteration $t \mapsto \sin(xt)$ resembles that of the logistic map $t \mapsto x t(1-t)$.

Observe that period-doubling cascade occurs within the interval $[0, \pi]$. That is,

  • On the interval of the first bifurcation, $(f_n(x))$ is almost periodic with peroid $2^1 = 2$,
  • On the interval of the second bifurcations, $(f_n(x))$ is almost periodic with peroid $2^2 = 4$,

and so on. The following animation visualizes this situation.

$\hspace{3em}$period-doubling cascade

Thus, unless all the effect of such bifurcations miraculously balance and cancel each other, the values of integrals will oscillate along any subsequences over arithmetic progressions. The graph of $I_k = \int_{0}^{\pi} f_k(x) \, dx $ for $k = 1, \cdots, 100$ seems to support this prediction as well:

$\hspace{5em}$values of integrals

(Even-th terms are joined by red lines, and odd-th terms are joined by blue lines.)

On the other hand, assuming that $x \in [0, \pi]$ and $f_n(x)$ converges, then its limiting value $f_{\infty}(x)$ admits the following expression

$$ f_{\infty}(x) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{x}\operatorname{sinc}^{-1}\left(\frac{1}{x}\right), & x \geq 1 \\ 0, & x < 1 \end{cases}, $$

where $\operatorname{sinc}^{-1}$ is the inverse of the function $\operatorname{sinc}(x) = \frac{\sin x}{x}$ restricted to $[0, \pi]$. This expression matches the above figure below the threshold.