Idiom/Phrase for "results without work/effort"

I'd be greatly appreciative of a cleverly devised idiom/phrase that depicts the following concept:

Results without work/effort.


My Work/Effort; Your Result.

Any idioms/phrases you can recount or conceive would be of use.

Contextual Edit:

The idiom/phrase should be in the context of service offering/hiring or task delegation, not free-loading as most answers thus far have understandably assumed. E.g.

[You hire me for] My Work/Effort; [My work/effort produces] Your Result.

Based on your clarifications, how about "we'll take care of everything"?

Even if you think you could do a good job at decorating your home, you might not have a lot of time to do it. In this case, a professional can take care of everything. Everything will be done quicker and you’ll be less stressed.


Idioms for

Results without work/effort

(1) Fall Into One's Lap:

(Of something desirable) be acquired by or happen to someone without any effort being made on their part

(2) Free Ride:

Someone who gets a free ride- benefits from a collective activity without participating in it.