Get tweets of a public twitter profile

I have a list of usernames on Twitter whose profiles are public. I wish to get "all the tweets" they have posted from the day they formed their profile. I checked Twitter4J examples on GitHub.
According to the Twitter API documentation, only the 20 most recent tweets are returned. Is there anyway I could perform my task?

Solution 1:

To use Twitter4J to get all posts from a user you'll have to make your request over multiple pages..

Below code based of an example on GitHub

Twitter unauthenticatedTwitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance();
//First param of Paging() is the page number, second is the number per page (this is capped around 200 I think.
Paging paging = new Paging(1, 100);
List<Status> statuses = unauthenticatedTwitter.getUserTimeline("google",paging);

Just loop and keep grabbing new pages until there are no new posts should work.

Solution 2:

Here is how to get ALL tweets for a user (or at least up to ~3200):

import java.util.*;
import twitter4j.*;
import twitter4j.conf.*;

public static void main(String[] a) {

    ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder();
    cb.setOAuthConsumerKey("YOUR KEYS HERE");
    cb.setOAuthConsumerSecret("YOUR KEYS HERE");
    cb.setOAuthAccessToken("YOUR KEYS HERE");
    cb.setOAuthAccessTokenSecret("YOUR KEYS HERE");

    Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory(;

    int pageno = 1;
    String user = "cnn";
    List statuses = new ArrayList();

    while (true) {

      try {

        int size = statuses.size(); 
        Paging page = new Paging(pageno++, 100);
        statuses.addAll(twitter.getUserTimeline(user, page));
        if (statuses.size() == size)
      catch(TwitterException e) {


    System.out.println("Total: "+statuses.size());