How many Praxis points can I earn in a single playthrough?

This image showed up on Reddit this morning demonstrating a perfect score:

Perfect score

Here are the author's tips:

You have to go for a non-lethal run (pacifist). Try to do a non-lethal takedown on every possible guard. Try to get a multiple takedown on guards having conversations or even patrolling. You can do it if you time it right. Always try to get a ghost bonus/smooth operator wherever possible. If it is difficult to do so in a particular area swarming with guards, bypass all the guards, get the ghost bonus and then come back and takedown all the guards. Hack everything in the game, including alarm panels which can be easily missed. After clearing out an area remember to go back and explore every possible pathway. Get turrets and robots even after deactivating them for extra Xp. This is something a lot of people might miss. Close hacked unlocked safes in the detroit area during your first visit for extra hacking opportunities during your second visit. These are just a few tips I can think of right of the bat.

So, apparently, it is indeed possible to get all 68 Praxis points and max out your augmentations.

Also worth noting that this does include the Tong's Rescue DLC experience, as I confirmed with him, so you will probably need DLC to achieve this.

Here's my research on the matter.

enter image description here

As you can see from the picture above, I finished the game with 197490 XP, 37510 XP away from max Praxis points avaliable.

My run consisted of:

  • Finding every possible secret location
  • Reading every unique ebook.
  • Hacking almost every hackable device (I missed ~15), and taking all the data nodes that contained XP.
  • I did few takedowns, mostly lethal kills on 95% of the XP giving people
  • I only got 2 smooth operator bonuses and 1 ghost bonus
  • Missed one side mission, and two secondary objectives.
  • Destroying every robot.
  • Collecting and buying every Praxis kit available.
  • Achieving silver tongue bonus on most occasions, except two.

Taken that into account, let's do some math:

  • 15 hackable devices on the average level of 2, I'll rounded down to 12 for good measurements plus 10 XP for possible missed nodes (12*50) + (12*10) = 720
  • XP missed in secondary objectives and side missions 1100
  • 2 missed silver tongue bonus 2000
  • Missed 17 Ghost bonuses (reference) 17*500 = 8500
  • Missed 17 Smooth Operator (reference) 17*250 = 2550

This puts us at 14870 missed XP so far, which means 22640 XP away from the maximum

My last play through I counted 286 XP giving enemies, in only the main missions.

  • Let's estimate that I got 20% head shot bonuses (57*20) + (229*10) = 3430
    • Which means 22640+3430 = 26070 XP away.
  • Lets say you get a non-lethal takedown on 250, and 15% of these were double takedowns: (212*50) + (19*145) = 13355
    • 22640-13355 = 9285 XP away

Taken that in to account we're missing 9285 XP, which equals 186 XP giving non-lethal takedowns

Conclusion I would say that it's not plausible to get every single augmentation upgraded. As there are a few robot kills you would NOT get, without discounting some of the Smooth Operator and Ghost bonuses, and there is hardly ~186+ XP giving enemies left, outside of the main-missions.

I would say the maximum amount of Praxis points you can get is 88/90


I discounted the Ghost bonus from the saving Malik mission, as it's more profitable to takedown the enemies and destroying the robot, than the single Ghost bonus (700 XP vs 500 XP)