I am working on http://gamercity.info/ymusic/. And I am using UI slider as seek bar. While the video is played I want to invoke a seekTo(seconds) function if user clicked anywhere on the seek bar. How to get new value of seconds after click event?

Solution 1:

To read slider value/percentage value at anytime:

var val = $('#slider').slider("option", "value");

Solution 2:

    change: function(event, ui) { 


Solution 3:

I checked all the answers mentioned above, but found none useful as the following code:

$('#slider').slider("values")[0]; // for slider with single knob or lower value of range
$('#slider').slider("values")[1]; // for highest value of range

Tested with jQuery v2.1.1 and jQuery-ui v1.12.1

Solution 4:

var val = $("#slider").slider("value");