How to convert an HTML file with referenced images on the command line to a webarchive?

Under macOS I want to convert HTML files with referenced images on the command line/programatically to webarchives.

Given a sample file sample.html containing:

<h1>File with resource</h1>
<p>This file shows text and references an image.</p>
<img src="sample.jpg" />

and an image sample.jpg in the same directory, I can view the html file in any browser and it is render with the image. To convert to a webarchive I tried:

textutil -convert webarchive sample.html

but the resulting sample.webarchive does not, when opened in Safari, render the image - though it contains it (see comments).

How can I do the conversion from the command line correctly, so that the result contains and renders the image? After all that's what webarchives are for!

Solution 1:

Use the tool webarchiver (which you can install via brew install webarchiver):

webarchiver -url sample.html -output sample.webarchive

The webarchive produced contains the image and Safari shows the image when it displays the webarchive.