How to install Ruby Ripper, or another app that does MP3s through a GUI

I have tried to install ruby ripper various times (raring) using code pasted from the internet. everytime i get to sudo apt-get install rubyripper, i get this back:

E: Unable to locate package rubyripper

I would like to install something that will let me rip mp3s, and modify the rip setting.

Rhythm box seems to only rip a thing called ogg vorbis. I would like to install something that will let me rip mp3s through a gui.

Simplest method.

UPDATED: 2016-Aug

Add the Get-Debian 'Apps' archive, its key, and then standard install:

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-getdeb apps" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list'
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install rubyripper

Tested for 16.04 LTS (Xenial), 14.04 LTS (Trusty), and 13.10 (Saucy).

Minor issue (11-Aug-2016): Bug related to non-ASCII characters in track (file)names. eg. 'é', etc.

Known regression bug (in RubyRipper 0.6.2), see: Should be address in (upcoming) RubyRipper 0.7.0 .

Did you ever figure this out? I had similar experience, but eventually found a resolution. First, I tried following the instructions on the community Ubuntu help pages related to CD ripping. Either I couldn't follow the instructions correctly or they were just too outdated and wouldn't work on my box. I'm running 12.04 LTS, btw.

After many hours spent searching and reading, I successfully followed the instructions in post #3 on here, summarized below:

  1. Install dependencies by typing in the terminal:

    $ sudo apt-get install cd-discid cdparanoia flac lame mp3gain normalize-audio ruby-gnome2 ruby vorbisgain
  2. Run each of these commands, one after the other (note, in the fourth one down, replace admin with whatever your username is on your linux box, assuming you have admin privileges):

    $ sudo apt-get install libgettext-ruby1.8 make
    $ cd /usr/local/src
    $ ls -ld .
    $ sudo chgrp admin .
    $ sudo chmod g+w .
    $ wget
    $ sha1sum rubyripper-0.6.0.tar.bz2
    $ tar xvjf rubyripper-0.6.0.tar.bz2
    $ cd rubyripper-0.6.0
    $ ./configure --enable-lang-all --enable-gtk2 --enable-cli --prefix=/usr/local
    $ sudo make install

Note, on my first attempt at following these instructions, I got stuck on the last step ($ sudo make install) because the previous step failed to create the make files, which happened because I did not replace "admin" with "scott" in step 4, which meant that my privileges weren't set up properly. To fix that, I had to delete the rubyripper-0.6.0 directory and the tar.bz2 file, redo step 4 with the proper group name of "scott" instead of "admin," and then redo the rest of the steps. When I did step 4 correctly, everything else worked as expected and I was able to finally launch rubyripper (I prefer using the GUI versus the CLI, so I invoke $ rrip_gui).

Let me know if you get stuck trying these steps and I will try to help you out.