What is the word for a person who is not stupid or a fool, but deliberately trivializes things?

What is the word for a person who is not stupid or a fool, but always purposefully:

  • makes fun of everything,
  • passes silly comments about everything,
  • responds to wise/deep questions with silly and useless answers and
  • underestimates the gravity of a situation to make the situation appear light?

Solution 1:

Consider facetious:

If you say that someone is being facetious, you are criticizing them because they are making humorous remarks or saying things that they do not mean in a situation where they ought to be serious.

(Collins Dictionary)

Impish may also fit if you need to convey a more positive connotation:

showing a lack of respect or seriousness in a way that is amusing rather than bad


Alternatively, a word like clown could fit:

a comical, silly, playful person
I was always the class clown

(Oxford American Dictionary)

Solution 2:

flippant might be a good choice.


1. frivolously disrespectful, shallow, or lacking in seriousness; characterized by levity

You might also consider irreverent, which may carry a less negative connotation.

Solution 3:

Joker: person who teases, kids - from the thesaurus.com.

Synonyms: punster, wisecracker, comedian