Is there a way of reverting to a previous save?

No. The save files in Minecraft do not contain information to restore it to a previous state, nor does it automatically generate backups.

If you happen to have put the save files in Dropbox, you can look for previous versions of it due to Dropbox maintaining something similar to a versioning-control system for your files.

What you can do, is make a program that automaticlly backups the world folder. I made a small program in python that backups the world every 5 minutes to a zip file.

from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
import shutil

f = 'path/to/the/world/folder/<name>'  # folder to zip
z = 'path/to/make/the/backup/<name>'  # ziped folder

while True:
    sleep(300)  # new backup every 5 minutes (that time is measured in seconds so feel free to adjust it)
    shutil.make_archive(z, 'zip', f)
    print(f"New Backup made at: {'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}")

This makes a backup and replaces the previous backup so you don't end up filling your hard drive with lots of unnecessary files.