Detect if a method was overridden using Reflection (C#)

Solution 1:

Given the type Test1, you can determine whether it has its own implementation declaration of TestMe:

typeof(Test1).GetMethod("TestMe").DeclaringType == typeof(Test1)

If the declaration came from a base type, this will evaluate false.

Note that since this is testing declaration, not true implementation, this will return true if Test1 is also abstract and TestMe is abstract, since Test1 would have its own declaration. If you want to exclude that case, add && !GetMethod("TestMe").IsAbstract

Solution 2:

I was unable to get Ken Beckett's proposed solution to work. Here's what I settled on:

    public static bool IsOverride(MethodInfo m) {
        return m.GetBaseDefinition().DeclaringType != m.DeclaringType;

There are tests in the gist.