error: module file's minimum deployment target is ios8.3 v8.3

All attempts to import a dynamic framework in an Xcode playground yield the following error:

error: module file's minimum deployment target is ios8.3 v8.3

Solution 1:

You might have created a target after updating Xcode, which made 8.3 the iOS Deployment Target in Build Settings for that target.

I fixed this by:

  1. Setting the iOS Deployment Target to 8.0 (Which is the same as the rest of the project)

Note iOS version mismatch in this screenshot (one is 10.0, other is 9.3) Note iOS version mismatch

Note iOS versions now match (make sure they all match) iOS versions changed to match

  1. Doing a clean (Command+Shift+k) and build

If a clean+build doesn't fix it, switching the device/simulator that you are deploying to from the scheme menu and building again should help.

Solution 2:

This error might also crop up if you're unit testing. So in addition to what @Tony and @Allreadyhome has suggested, do the following:

  • With your test target selected, go to 'Build Settings'
  • Search for 'iOS Deployment target' at the top search bar.
  • Change the value for the iOS Deployment Target accordingly, (in the context of this question, you will change the deployment target to 8.0)

And you should be good.

Solution 3:

As mentioned by Tony you have to

1. Set the iOS Deployment Target to 8.0

If using Pods the further step you may need to do:

2. Go into the Pods dependancies and change the deployment targets to 8.0 also.

In my case, I had to change the deployment target on each of my pods to 8.0 as they were all on 8.3.