What does "@" mean in bind zone file?
is used in two contexts during zone file processing:
- The symbol @ forces substitution of the current (or synthesized) value of $ORIGIN. The @ symbol is replaced with the current value of $ORIGIN.
- The current value of
is added to any 'unqualified' name (any name which does not end in a 'dot').
Example of @
symbol replacement:
; example.com zone file fragment
; no $ORIGIN present and is synthesized from the
; zone name in named.conf
@ IN NS ns1.example.com.
; ns1.example.com is the name server for example.com
$ORIGIN uk.example.com.
@ IN NS ns2.example.com.
; functionally identical to
; uk.example.com. IN NS ns2.example.com.
; ns2.example.com is the name server for uk.example.com