Use <Image> with a local file

Using React Native 0.41 (in March 2017), targeting iOS, I just found it as easy as:

<Image source={require('./myimage.png')} />

The image file must exist in the same folder as the .js file requiring it for "./" to work.

I didn't have to change anything in the XCode project. It just worked.

Note that the path seems to have to start with "./" or "../" and be full lower case. I'm not sure what all the restrictions are, but start simple and work forward.

Hope this helps someone, as many other answers here seem overly complex and full of (naughty) off-site links.

UPDATE: BTW - The official documentation for this is here:

It works exactly as you expect it to work. There's a bug that prevents it from working correctly.

If you have node_modules (with react_native) in the same folder as the xcode project, you can edit node_modules/react-native/packager/packager.js and make this change: . It'll work magically :)

If your react_native is installed somewhere else and the patch doesn't work, comment on to let them know about your setup.

ES6 solution:

import DefaultImage from '../assets/image.png';

const DEFAULT_IMAGE = Image.resolveAssetSource(DefaultImage).uri;

and then:

<Image source={{uri: DEFAULT_IMAGE}} />

I had this exact same issue until I realized I hadn't put the image in my Image.xcassets. I was able to drag and drop it into Xcode with Image.xcassets open and after rebuilding, it fixed the problem!

enter image description here

If loading images dynamically one can create a .js file like following and do require in it.

export const data = [
    id: "1",
    text: "blablabla1",
    imageLink: require('../assets/first-image.png')
    id: "2",
    text: "blablabla2",
    imageLink: require('../assets/second-image.png')

In your component .js file

import {data} from './js-u-created-above';

function UsageExample({item}) {
     <Image style={...} source={item.imageLink} /> 

function ComponentName() {
   const elements = => <UsageExample key={} item={item}/> );
   return (...);