"Invariant Violation: Application AwesomeProject has not been registered" When building for iOS device with static jsbundle

First off, I don't know react, but I figured deploying to an iOS device instead of the simulator wouldn't be too difficult to do with the docs. They were a bit sparse but I got somewhere and now I'm stuck. I created a main.jsbundle and added it to the Xcode project and uncommented the line in AppDelegate.m.

When I deploy it I get this error:

2015-03-26 16:13:08.538 AwesomeProject[4753:2477032] >
  RCTJSLog> "Running application "AwesomeProject" with appParams: {"rootTag":1,"initialProps":{}}. __DEV__ === true, development-level warning are ON, performance optimizations are OFF"
2015-03-26 16:13:08.547 AwesomeProject[4753:2477032] >
  RCTJSLog> "Error: 
  runApplication                  main.jsbundle:33769
  jsCall                          main.jsbundle:7157
  _callFunction                   main.jsbundle:7404
  applyWithGuard                  main.jsbundle:877
  guardReturn                     main.jsbundle:7206
  callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue  main.jsbundle:7413
 URL: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/DBC0DAF4-B568-4CF5-B156-9EFEE4E7FF4A/AwesomeProject.app/main.jsbundle
 line: 1536
 message: Invariant Violation: Application AwesomeProject has not been registered."
2015-03-26 16:13:08.723 AwesomeProject[4753:2477032] >
  RCTJSLog> "#CLOWNTOWN (error while displaying error): Network request failed"

I'm pretty sure @krazyeom's fix has nothing to do with this error. In my case, I fixed this by quitting the terminal that was running from a previous test app I had run. It seems the terminal was confused and was still hooked to a process whose project was no longer loaded in XCode. Try the following:

  1. Shut the Terminal spawned by React Native.
  2. Shut down XCode completely (may not be necessary).
  3. Re-open everything and re-run.

Your problem shouldn't have anything to do with the console, if you properly bundled your javascript into the ios app it wont be trying to talk to dev server, it'll just get the javascript from the bundle.

From the error message I'd guess that you might have renamed your main component. Be sure that the 'AppName' you pass into the

AppRegistry.registerComponent('AppName' /* <- */, ... )

matches with the @"AppName" on your AppDelegate.m on the call for

[[RCTRootView alloc] initWithBundleUrl:...
                            moduleName:@"AppName" // <-