Is "to anagram" an established verb?
The general form is 'A is an anagram of B'
Anagram - noun
1 - a word, phrase, or sentence formed from another by rearranging its letters: “Angel” is an anagram of “glean.”.
Thus in your example:
To his amusement, Jason realized that 'Madam Curie' was an anagram of 'Radium Came'
Anagram is not a verb — although any word can be verbed, it weirds English.
The verb form is anagrammatise [ODO].
However, consider rearrange:
To his amusement, Jason realized that the words Madam Curie could be rearranged to Radium came.
anagram is indeed a verb, and anagrammatize its alternative form. Ngram
anagram (anagrammed; anagrammimg)
transitive verb
1: anagrammatize
2: to rearrange (the letters of a text) in order to discover a hidden message M-W
To his amusement, Jason realized that the words "Madam Curie" anagrammed into "Radium Came"
"L.A. Woman" anagrams into "AWOL Man" Google Books