What is a good way to refer to stories that are meant for adults?

There are stories for children and for adults. But when I say "adult stories" people tend to think they are erotica/porn stories.

What is a good way to refer to adult stories?

Example of adult stories: Lovecraft's, Poe's, Kafka's, etc.

Solution 1:

It depends on your audience: if you're talking to children you could say "stories for grown-ups", and if you're talking to teenagers or adults you could follow GBackMania's advice and use "for {age} and older".

Solution 2:

You are right, the word adult has come to have an erotic connotation. You might want to use mature, advanced, or even sophisticated.

Solution 3:

What about "general fiction"?

Solution 4:

Use "Stories for adults".

Google this phrase and you will notice that the most of the results are not about erotic stories. For example:

Bible Stories for Adults

Scary Stories for Adults

Christmas Stories for Adults

But if you google "adult stories", then most results are erotic stories or porn.