What OS X tweaks, hacks, or modifications couldn't you live without?

Solution 1:


This app needs no description, I suppose. Anyway Growl is a notification system that manages all the notifications send from every app that supports its framework. With version 1.3, it became even nicer, too bad some apps (like Skype) doesn't support the new version yet. enter image description here

Solution 2:

"caps lock" remapped to do nothing:

enter image description here

Solution 3:


A property list that enables you to bind keystrokes to sequences of Objective-C methods. It can be used to define text editing macros that work in most standard text views.

    // copy paragraph (option-c)
    "~c" = (selectParagraph:, copy:);

    // convert selection to lowercase (option-minus)
    "~-" = (lowercaseWord:, moveForward:);

    // insert line below (command-return)
    "@\r" = (moveToEndOfParagraph:, insertNewline:,

    // insert an XML tag (option-shift-x)
    "~X" = (moveWordBackwardAndModifySelection:, setMark:, deleteToMark:,
    insertText:, "<></>", moveBackward:, yank:, moveWordBackward:,
    moveBackward:, moveBackward:, moveBackward:, yank:, moveForward:);

To get started, make ~/Library/KeyBindings/ and save a property list like the one above as DefaultKeyBinding.dict.

More information:

  • Cocoa Text System
  • lri.me/keybindings
  • github.com/ttscoff/KeyBindings