Sky Force Reloaded Secret Achievements

01.) Desert Rose - You've noticed the burning trees by now [Get all medals in Level 1 through Hard difficulty]

02.) Nightfall - You rescue all the survivors. Most of the times. [Get all medals in Level 2 through Hard difficulty]

03.) Tank You - You're starting to like rockets. Slowly [Get all medals in Level 3 through Hard difficulty]

04.) Secret Hideout - You visit the piggy bank often [Get all medals in Level 4 through Hard difficulty]

05.) Hitting a Wall - You could do it on foot just as well. [Get all medals in Level 5 through Hard difficulty]

06.) Swiss Cheese - Flamethrower is your favorite of enemy towers. For now. [Get all medals in Level 6 through Hard difficulty]

07.) Toxic Friendship - Missiles are no longer able to surprise you. [Get all medals in Level 7 through Hard difficulty]

08.) Bird of Prey - You're a bit tired of sandstorms. You miss the sea. [Get all medals in Level 8 through Hard difficulty]

09.) Burial at Sea - You've reached the sea, but it's not as you remembered it. [Get all medals in Level 9 through Hard difficulty]

10.) Overcooked - You're not really curious what is Scarlett cooking in there. [Get all medals in Level 10 through Hard difficulty]

11.) Bleeding Heart of Scarlett - You'd trade your car for that tank anytime. [Get all medals in Level 11 through Hard difficulty]

12.) Laser What? - Raptors. Laser Raptors. [Get all medals in Level 12 through Hard difficulty]

13.) Alpha or Omega - (Omega) will return in next week's episode! [Get all medals in Level 13 through Hard difficulty]

14.) My Weekend Job - You've won a tournament. Perhaps. [Get the top spot among friends in a tournament]

15.) It's My Birthday! Again... - Ther's a pile of empty boxes in your room. [Open 50 Gift Boxes]

16.) Hidden - ???

17.) Beyond the Wall - Those towers were there to protect you. [Destroy all towers in Level 5: You must unlock a card to do this]

18.) Test Pilot - You've got them all. Now pick your favorite. [Obtain all spaceships]

19.) Full House - Now you can score even more points. [Obtain all cards]

20.) Hidden - ???

21.) Don't Fix It - You've come to appreciate this vintage Classic. [Beat levels 1 to 13 with the Classic]

22.) Leave No Man Behind - You've made tons of friends in red jumpsuits. [Beat levels 1 to 13 with the Ambulance]

23.) Sword Of Bullets - You like to look them in the eyes. [Beat levels 1 to 13 with the Gladius]

24.) Out of My Way - If only they'd come in red... [Beat levels 1 to 13 with the Enforcer]

25.) Bulletproof - When you're in the mood for a joyride. [Beat levels 1 to 13 with the Iron Clad]

26.) Sublight Engines - You can't sit on your... engines for more than a few seconds. [Beat levels 1 to 13 with the Swift Justice]

27.) Trigger Happy - The Bro came at you. And regretted it instantly [Beat levels 1 to 13 with the Limp Berserker]

28.) Win Some, Lose Some - Lemmy just tell you- Good job! [Beat levels 1 to 13 with the Ace of Spades]

29.) Swarm Rockets - There's no place they can hide from you. [Beat levels 1 to 13 with the Octopus]

30.) Hidden - ???