X equivalent of 'screen' utility

Under unix/linux, there is this extremely useful program screen: it's for bash, text-only, and I can detach a session, log out (the session is still running though), log in later (even from a different computer) and resume the session exactly as I left it.

My question is, is there an equivalent to screen for X?

So what I want to do is: work remotely with ssh -X in an X-session on a remote linux machine, log out, then later log in from a different computer again with ssh -X and then re-attach the X-session; practically resuming work from the moment when I logged out before. Is this possible?

Solution 1:

I am having success in using xpra

Solution 2:

Why not just use VNC?

So long as you don't log out (thus closing all your running applications etc) your system will stay in the exact same state no matter how many times you disconnect/reconnect.

Solution 3:

More a question for unix.stack but have a look at x11vnc. Things will work a bit differently, you won't be using ssh -X but use the VNC protocol. In shared mode, disconnecting VNC will not log out the X session.