Pronunciation of iff

Do most of English speakers understand the word "iff" in text, and is there a standard pronunciation other than the full "if and only if"?

Solution 1:

If the occurrence of the term is any indication of common understanding, then it would appear by Google's word statistics that the word is somewhat known, although probably not by everyone. According to their numbers, "iff" had a prevalence of ~0.0000853% in 2008, which was more than "kanguru" (~0.0000000411%) but less than "veracity" (~0.000150%). Nevertheless, how commonly a word is used is probably not a good indication of how well known it is. I personally know the term "iff", but I do not suspect that it is very well known overall. The only way I would pronounce it is as the full "if and only if".

Solution 2:

When I was working with formal logic in an academic setting, iff was pronounced as if it were a symbol: "if and only if".