Alduin's Bane quest bug

I started playing the Dawnguard DLC before I finished the main quest line - I was right before that point where I had to find the Elder Scroll to defeat Alduin.
As I was playing the DLC, I got a bug where when taking the (Dragon) Elder Scroll, it disappeared, so I had to use a command to get it. That started the quest Alduin's Bane. I then finished the DLC, did a few side quests, and realized my mistake. When I travel to the Throat of the World to talk to Paarthurnax, he starts speaking, then stops after his monologue, and nothing else happens.

Is there is a way to set it back to the mission before Alduin's Bane without losing my progress?

Use console commands to fix it:

Alduin's Bane has the Quest ID 'MQ206'.

  1. Make a save game of your current state using the Main Menu (not a quicksave).

  2. Find out what quest stage you're currently in by typing in Player.sqs MQ206 in the console.
    This will show you a list of the stages of the quest. If there is a 1 behind a certain stage, it means you passed that stage; if there's a 0, you haven't.

  3. Find the last quest stage you have completed (the highest number with a 1), and note down that respective quest stage number.

  4. Still in the console, enter the command SetStage MQ206 <quest stage #>, where <quest stage #> is the number you noted down during step 3.
    Your character has now entered a stage earlier in the quest.

  5. See if the quest works properly now.

    If not, repeat the steps, incrementally replacing <quest stage #> with a stage number one step higher/earlier from the one you found in step 3 (e.g. 10 instead of 20) , until the quest completes successfully.

In your specific case, I assume your character's current stage is 10 (where the objective tells you to "Read the Elder Scroll at the Time-Wound"). Preceding quest stages are 0, 1 and 5.
Try SetStage MQ206 5 first, and see if that works.
If not, try setting it to SetStage MQ206 1, and otherwise to SetStage MQ206 0 (make sure you still have the Elder Scroll at that point though).