Assuming all files are in the same folder:

mkdir new
for i in *.html; do
    sed 's|||g' "$i" > "new/$i"

If you're commonly editing website file contents you should invest in an editor.

Sublime Text 2

Drop the website onto the icon and it will build the project:

enter image description here

run cmdshiftF and enter the replacement:

enter image description here

Click the Replace button and verify the Replace:

enter image description here

It will open and change all the files:

enter image description here


Is an excellent and robust application I primarily use to edit code. Drag and drop the folder onto BBEdit and go to File -> Save Project and it will create a file named foobar.bbprojectd:

enter image description here

run cmdshiftF and select the project with the replacement parameters:

enter image description here

It will prompt you after clicking Replace All:

enter image description here

If you are unsure on your changes select Leave Open because if you select Save to disk it is very hard to revert back.


There is already a sed solution but you could also do the same with Perl:

# !/bin/bash


if [ ! -e "$DIR/new" ]; then 
    mkdir -p new
    echo "made folder new"
    echo "folder exists"

for htmlfile in $(ls "$DIR"/*.html); do
    htmlbase=$(basename $htmlfile)
    echo "Working on "$htmlbase
    perl -pe 's||\/old|g' "$htmlfile" > $TEMPFILE && mv $TEMPFILE "$NEW/$htmlbase"

There are other editors out there but these are the two I primarily use. You could also do this in pure AppleScript but you haven't shown any code and mentioned terminal so I made the above in Perl.