League of Legends Client Beta - Where do recordings save to?

I have recorded a segment from a recent game from the new beta client replay feature. Where do those recordings get saved?

Client Beta Version: 6.22.3353521.3353110

According to this official post, you have the possibility to download the replay (.rofl file) by clicking on the Download button at the top right corner of the end game screen. Then you can watch your replay in the client.

You can also record highlights from your recorded game, by pressing on the Record button. It will record a fraction of your game (an epic flash outplay, your first pentakill, a game-breaker backdoor...) and will be saved at :

C:\Users\<Insert Your User Name Here>\Documents\LeagueofLegends\Highlights

in the .webm format.

.webm’s are an open sourced video format that plays nicely with HTML5. That means you can drag and drop those video files into Firefox & Chrome and they’ll automatically play. Additionally, we’ve found that VLC media player http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html works well for playback.