Can't open iCloud in system preferences

Well you have already given us the first clue as to where the issue is:

i can however open iCloud prefs using another user account on the same computer

While it is possible that a combo updater will fix the issue it is more likely (IMHO) something specific to your user profile. How I would do it.

  1. Hold down the Option key while in Finder and select "Library" from the Go menu.
  2. You want to look for items with "icloud" in their name and move them elsewhere. I usually use the desktop or a folder on the desktop.
  3. There will be files in "Preferences" and "Application Support" and possibly elsewhere. Don't remove the folders, just any files within making note of the path each file was at.
  4. It is possible that there are other files in the same locations that deal with iCloud. poke around and move ones that might qualify.
  5. Once that is done, reboot and try opening that preference pane.

Note that you don't just delete the file in case the law of unintended consequences rears it's ugly head. So if things get worse put the files back. But I am betting that won't happen.

I am thinking that there is a damaged preference or icloud support file somewhere in your user folder and "/Users/[USERNAME]/Library/" is the most likely place for said file to be.

A reboot should cause macOS to rebuild the missing files and opening the iCloud preference pane should finish the job.

Note that it is possible that you will need to re-enter your iCloud account information once you get it working.

Try to go Preferences, then Internet Accounts and then disable and re-enable the iCloud. That worked for me.

Go to applications/utilities and run the console. On the left select 'system log' Hopefully errors are not happening so fast messages are flying by to fast to see or it will be harder to find what you want.

Make sure System Preferences is closed. Click Insert Marker in the menu bar. Open System Preferences. Click Insert Marker in the menu bar. Click to open the iCloud pane. Let it put up banner, crash, etc. Click Insert Marker in the menu bar. Close System Preferences. Click Insert Marker in the menu bar.

Select all the messages from and including the 1st and last markers.

You can file, save selection as, and it will save a log file you can click on and open with the console to read it. Or copy the selected text and past it into a text file.

Read what happened, it will give you a clue or even tell you exactly. Often there are permission issues and a file could not be written to or read.