buildTypes cannot be applied to groovy.lang.Closure
Solution 1:
For me the problem was not solved by applying the above solution. Instead I had to go to the settings within Android Studio and select "Use gradle wrapper":
In Android Studio select: File\Settings\Build, Execution, Deployment\Build tools\Gradle
(Mac Users: Android Studio\Preferences...\Build, Execution, Deployment\Build tools\Gradle )
Mark: Use default gradle wrapper (default)
This removed all 'cannot be applied to '(groovy.lang.Closure') warnings in the build files.
Solution 2:
I had the same issue. Moving the buildTypes as the last entry in the android section worked for me.
android {
buildTypes {
Solution 3:
1 Cut and Paste the "buildTypes" at the same position in "android" section
2 Re Sync Project
Solution 4:
To solve this issue, in your Android Studio go to File -> Settings. In settings choose Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle and select "Use default gradle wrapper (recommended)" option.
After rebuild your build.gradle will be totally fine.