iPads in the corporate world

Is anyone using an iPad in the corporate world? If you are:

  • Is it better than carrying around a laptop, and if so, how?
  • Do iPads connect to networks like notebooks do?
  • Can I remote into my Windows PC in a corporate environment using an iPad?

  • Yes, it is indeed better than carrying around a laptop, because it is lighter, faster and instant-on "computer". Also great for taking notes during the meetings, answering emails if that is the sort of thing you do. The typing may be a bit difficult if you are too much used to the normal keyboard. Of course, you can attach the Bluetooth keyboard.

  • As Philip pointed out, iPad has Wifi, so you shouldn't be having any problems connecting to Wifi network, if your office has one. Also, with 3G you can stay connected even when you don't have the Wifi.

  • About the Remote Connection, iPad supports VPN networking if that is needed, and there are several applications on iPad that allow you to use it as a Remote Desktop. But I think it might be difficult thing to get used to - using touchscreen to control the mouse etc.

If you're on an environment which doesn't need custom applications that run on Windows/Computer, and you can get all your work done by just email and the browser, yes iPad can replace your netbook.

  1. Yes - lighter and better battery life
  2. Yes
  3. Yes