Can my graphics card cause Steam games to crash?

Two games from my Steam library crash whenever I try to launch them: No Man's Sky and Dishonored 2. The No Man's Sky crashes immediately after opening. Dishonered 2 crashes after all the logos, right after the second loading screen appears. I've tried both verifying game files and deleting download cache. My next theory was that my graphics card is to blame. It is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 and it is less than the minimal requirements for both games. However, while it is not enough to play Fallout 4 either, I've never experienced similar problems with that game. Moreover, all these games have launched without crashing on my pretty lowspec aluminium laptop.

Does this crashing really happen because of my graphics card? What other reasons could there be? Thanks!

Update: I have reinstalled Steam, but it didn't help. :\

Solution 1:

Your 460 supports DX12 but not the full set of DX12 features. Any game that uses a feature that your 460 doesn't support will most likely crash. I am guessing this is what is happening here.

More info here: