How to integrate KeyPass2 and Chrome/Chromium in Ubuntu 20.04

I have already Installed KeePass2 and also installed Add-on. But I don't know how to integrate it. Pls help me with the instructions.

Ubuntu > 18.04 - 20.04
Install KeyPass2:

Press Alt+Ctrl+T to start terminal and run following commands one by one.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:jtaylor/keepass  
sudo apt-get update  
sudo apt-get install keepass2 mono-complete

Open Chrome, install Kee - Password Manager Extension


Open as Administrator (Access), skip if you have it, if not follow the step.

sudo apt install nautilus-admin
nautilus -q

Download KeePassRPC plugins

Right click plugins (/usr/lib/keepass2/plugins) folder select
"Open as Administrator"

Copy Paste the latest version of KeePassRPC into the plugins folder


You're all done!