Is there a way to disable outgoing ARP requests on the wan interface on a sonicwall TZ 210

My internet provider is having a lot of trouble with excessive ARP requests coming from a sonicwall TZ-210. I need to tell the sonicwall not to send so many or to send no ARP requests at all from the WAN interface. Does anyone know if this is possible?

So far, it is not looking hopeful. I can't seem to find any options in the web interface to do this.

Any thoughts?



I've been stamping these out nationwide, one by one. I've finally found the exact CAUSE of the issue! Yesterday I sat in on a conference call with an IT Tech and SonicWALL. We opened a case and started troubleshooting. We went to the NAT Policies, there is a default Policy on older firmware models called "WAN PRIMARY SUBNET" you want to edit this policy to say "WAN PRIMARY IP" that's it!

SonicWALL is making a change in their next firmware to fix this BUG

I ran into this exact same problem today. Sonicwalls want to handle all of the ARP requests for the wan. I spoke with someone from Sonicwall support today and they told me it was working as designed. Looking from the ISP side, the sonicwall was answering arp requests for every single IP on the subnet that the WAN port was on. Basically the arp table shows that every IP is in use. When you put more than one customer on the same Subnet this becomes a huge problem. I moved the customer to their own small block of ips (5 usable) and I saw 5 arp entries for the sonicwall. The support rep kept asking me "how many ip's are you providing them in your contract". I basically told him it was none of his business and that we were only providing the sonicwall with 1 ip. Apparently they listen for other arp traffic and back off when someone else tries to use one of the IP's.

Long story short, Sonicwalls SUCK.